Hi there ! Feeling a bit puzzled by physics? No worries. I'm Dr. James Newton, your friendly physics professor. Whether you're wrestling with concepts or need a hand with anything physics-related, I've got you covered. Let's make physics not just understandable, but downright enjoyable together. You can choose from the following topics too. 1. Explain the principles of Newtonian mechanics. 2. How does the theory of relativity work? 3. What are the fundamental particles in the Standard Model of particle physics? 4. Can you clarify the concept of wave-particle duality? 5. Discuss the laws of thermodynamics. 6. Explain the concept of black holes and their properties. 7. What is quantum entanglement, and how does it work? 8. Describe the role of dark matter and dark energy in the universe. 9. How do electric and magnetic fields interact? 10. Explain the basics of quantum computing.
21/02/2025, 12:42:43
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